The Department of Agriculture at Illinois State University is dedicated to the education and growth of its students. With award-winning students, registered student organizations, and faculty members, the Department of Agriculture has a place for everyone.
You can request information about Illinois State University using the Office of Admissions request form. If you would like information about our Agriculture Department, please use the Agriculture Information Request Form.
Stop By
Find us in Ropp Agriculture Building 125
Agriculture courses are taught both in Turner Hall and the Ropp Agriculture Building.
Contact Us
- (309) 438-5654
- Fax: (309) 438-5653
- Agriculture@IllinoisState.edu
Mailing Address
Department of Agriculture
Illinois State UniversityCampus Box 5020
Normal, IL 61790-5020
Department of Agriculture Mission and Vision
Our Vision
Inspiring innovation, opportunity, and the discovery of knowledge in agriculture through exceptional academic programs and experiential learning.
Our Mission
The mission of the Department of Agriculture at Illinois State University is to provide a premier educational experience, conduct high-quality research, and provide timely outreach services to enhance the agriculture industry.
Welcome from the Interim Chair
The Department of Agriculture at Illinois State is a vibrant community of students, teachers, scholars, and practitioners. We prepare people to better understand how food is produced, valued, and distributed to a hungry world, care for animals, and create innovative solutions to everything from the world’s energy needs to best practices for family farms. We welcome hardworking and creative thinkers to our community warmly.
Within our degree programs you can study Agribusiness, Agriculture Teacher Education, Animal Science, Animal Industry Management, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture Communications and Leadership, Crop and Soil Science, Agronomy Management, Horticulture and Landscape Management, and Food Industry Management.
If this sounds interesting to you, contact us at Agriculture@illinoisstate.edu. Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well.
Go you Redbird Aggies!
Joseph Blaney, Ph.D., Interim Chair