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Dr. Drew Lugar

Assistant Professor of Animal Science
RAB Ropp Agriculture Building 138
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

499.009Independent Research For The Masters Thesis

287.007Independent Study

170.001Introduction To Animal Science

170.002Introduction To Animal Science

170.003Introduction To Animal Science

236.001Livestock Parturition and Breeding Management

236.002Livestock Parturition and Breeding Management

302.007Special Problems In Agriculture

308.001Swine Management

308.002Swine Management

408.001Swine Management

408.002Swine Management

291.004Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture

282.001Anatomy and Physiology of Livestock

499.009Independent Research For The Masters Thesis

287.009Independent Study

400.003Independent Study

170.001Introduction To Animal Science

170.002Introduction To Animal Science

170.003Introduction To Animal Science

170.004Introduction To Animal Science

283.001Reproductive Physiology Of Livestock

283.002Reproductive Physiology Of Livestock

302.099Special Problems In Agriculture

291.009Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture

Teaching Interests & Areas

My teaching interests lie in physiology of animals. I teach courses on livestock reproductive physiology, applied reproduction and breeding management, anatomy and physiology, parturition (birthing) management, and swine (pig) management.

Research Interests & Areas

My research focus is on animal reproduction and stress. I conduct research on a variety of livestock species including sheep, swine and cattle. These projects involve reproduction, innovative technologies, stress physiology and more. In addition to animal work, I conduct research on the scholarship of teaching, looking at innovative technologies in the classroom and student stress with livestock.

Ph D Animal Sciences

Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

MS Animal and Poultry Science

Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA

BS Animal Science

Iowa State University
Ames, IA

Conference Proceeding

Stewart, K., & Lugar, D. Update on heat stress effects in boars. 2019 American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting (2019)
Lugar, D., & Estienne, M. An overview of a newly available product used to immunologically castrate boars. Small Scale and Niche Market Pork Production Conference (2013): 12-21.

Journal Article

Lugar, D., Barrowclough, M., Solomonson, J. K., & Maxwell, L. D. (2021). The effect of an interactive classroom app on student performance and non-educational device usage in a college animal science course. NACTA Journal, 65, 352-359.
Lugar, D., & Stewart, K. A comparison of swine science durricula at four major agricultural universities. NACTA 63 (2019): 144-148.
Lugar, D., Harlow, K., & Stewart, K. Effects of supplemental vitamins during the summer in commercial AI boar stud. Animal (2019)
Lugar, D., Krom, W., Mings, P., & Stewart, K. Effect of supplemental betaine to semen extenders on semen quality in boars. Translational Animal Science 2 (2018): 195-204.
Lugar, D., Wilcock, P., Richert, B., & Stewart, K. Effects of betaine and superdosed phytase supplementation on reproductive performance of boars during and after mild heat stress. Professional Animal Science 34.4 (2018): 326-338.


Effect of light regiment on farrowing performance in sows. ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. (2021)
Estimating fetal age using transabdominal ultrasonography in sheep early in gestation.. ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. (2021)
Adopting devices in the classroom: Distraction or Enhancement?. University-Wide Teaching and Learning Symposium. (2020)
Effect of enhanced organic acid supplementation in late gestation and lactation of sows on body weight change, litter performance, and wean to estrus interval. ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. (2020)
Nearpod: Impacts on student performance and classroom technology usage. University-Wide Teaching and Learning Symposium. (2020)
Using texting in the classroom to engage students in a traditional lecture.. 2019 Teaching and Learning Symposium. (2019)